This palindromic prime number reads the same upside down or when viewed in a mirror. CONTENTSPrimes From Factorials !Factorial n (n!) means 1 x 2 x 3 x … x n Unfortunately the next factorial results in a composite number. The above shows the number 1 as a prime, although it is normally considered neither prime nor composite. .
PRIME is PrimeAssign the value 1 to A, 2 to B, 3 to C, . . . , 26 to Z. Then
Sum of 5 & 7 Consecutive Primes = a primeAbove is shown three of the five series that use 2, the only even prime number. Then I show one of each odd series from three to twenty-one. There are a total of sixty-one series with an odd number of primes (using primes < 100). every prime < 89 is the leading term in at least one series. Charles w. Trigg, JRM 18(4),1985-86, p.247-248 5, 7 and 9 Digit Consecutive PrimesThree consecutive primes sum to a palindromic prime. Visit Patrick De Geest's very attractive and informative WWW site about
Palindromic Numbers at Other
Links 21 Consecutive Primes
The 21 consecutive primes from 7 to 89 sum to the prime number 953. Also when arranged in groups of three, each group sums to a prime. Furthermore, the reverse of these prime sums also sum to 953 !
T.V.Padmakrumar, JRM 27:1, 1995, p57
Near Repdigit PrimesAll primes!
This last number is a prime consisting of a five followed by 4,332
nines! Smallest and Largest Primes
of digit length from 1 to 15
5 & 71The above two primes evenly divide the sum of the primes less then
themselves. Fortunate PrimesStarting with 2 , find product of consecutive primes. Call it p Primes in First k Digits of pFor k = 1,2,6, & 38. The next prime has at least 500 digits ! Palindromic Primes11 is the only Palindromic prime with an even number of digits. Four Palindromic Primes
Product of the first seven primes divided by ten gives a palindrome number. 9-Digit Palindromic Primes
Depression Primes
A Pandigital Palindromic Prime
Ascending Pandigital PrimeThis prime contains all the digits from 1 to 9 in order, then repeats
starting from 0. These numbers are all
Reversable PrimesThese primes are six digit reversable with an imbedded four digit reversable
prime. Perfect Prime SquaresIn each of these two squares, all rows, columns and the two main diagonals are distinct prime numbers when read in either direction. The order-5 square above is one of three reported by Mr. Card.
Carlos has a WWW page dealing with Prime Puzzles & Problems at An Order-3 Superperfect Prime Square
A Palindromic Sequence SeriesEach sequence is formed from the one above it by inserting n, the row number, between all adjacent numbers that add to n. k is the number of numbers in each sequence. So far all k are prime numbers. Does this series continue indefinitely? This pattern is credited to Leo Moser (Martin Gardner, The Last Recreations, p.199). Digit Complementary Prime PairsA Diigit Complementary Prime Pair is defined as a pair of prime numbers in which digits in corresponding positions sum to 10 (or 0). There are 136 four digit pairs. a. a reversible prime pair b. the two primes contain 8 different digitsc. twin primes d. both primes contain consecutive digits e. first member of the pair contains the 4 prime digits in order f. each prime contains 3 digits the same Charles W. Trigg, JRM 22:2, 1990, p 95-97 A Prime CircleThis is an example of a prime circle. Two adjacent numbers, including the last number and the first number, sum to a prime. In this particular case all the numbers are 3 digits. This circle is of length ninety, and is part of a 200 length prime circle found by Charles Ashbacher, JRM 26:1, 1994, p 63. A String of Primes
Three digits-all prime
Also for 113, all 2-digit combinations are prime numbers.
Prime Factors of 114985The prime factors of 114985 are 1, 5, 13, 29, 61. Prime PPDI’sThe above three numbers are all Pluperfect Digital Invariants, meaning that when each digit of the number is raised to the power equal to the length of the number, the sum of these powers is equal to the original number. i.e. 28116440335967 = 214 + 814 + 114 + 114 + 614 + 414 + 414 + 014 + 314 + 314 + 514 + 914 + 614 + 714. The above three numbers are also PRIME ! The first number (the smallest) is the only one of the three that is pandigital. Also, of the four digits that appear twice,
three appear as adjacent pairs. See Deimel & Jones, JRM 14(2), 1982, pp. 87 to 99 for list of the 79 PPDI’S to order 39. Consecutive gaps between primesTwo Prime Pyramids
Overlapping Primes
All Primes!
First and Last Columns are Prime Numbers
The First 7 PrimesUnfortunately, these relationships do not hold for the next higher prime, 19. A Prime Series(Term n = Term n-1 times 2 plus 1)
Digital sums of prime pair products
12-Digit Near-Repunit PrimesThese are all the 12-digit primes of this type. There is 1 with 3 digits, 1 with 5 digits, 1 with 6 digits, Next size after 12 digits is 17 with 2 such prime numbers. C. Caldwell & H.Dubner JRM 27:1, 1995, p 35
A Prime Pair (relatively small)
Common FactorsEach row, column and main diagonal has a common factor that is one of the first 8 prime numbers. Palindrome Prime 373373 = sum of the squares of the first 5 odd primes Also: the sum of five consecutive primes starting with 67. From Patrick De Geest's Palindrome numbers WWW site at Circular Primes
A circular prime is a prime number that remains prime as each leftmost digit
(msd) From Patrick De Geest's Palindrome numbers WWW site (see above)
Priming the Cube
The only arrangement of 8 consecutive digits (not counting rotations or reflections) such that any two adjacent sum to a prime number.
Pairs equal PrimeIn this pattern the sum of each pair of numbers connected by a line sums to a
prime number. |